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This site is owned, operated and mainteined by Komatsu do Brasil Ltda. Entering and navigating through this site indicate that you are aware of our terms and conditions and agree with our determinations.
Komatsu do Brasil Ltda may change or modify these terms and conditions at any time, and from time to time update the contents in this page. Therefore, you are invited to always visit our Terms and Conditions, in order to remain updated on our standards.


Access to the Komatsu site is limited to the viewing of WebPages linked to accessing information provided by Komatsu itself. Any access or attempt to access other areas in the Komatsu information system or any other information that is not available is strictly forbidden. 



All material such as text documents, images, software, etc contained in this site is protected under the copyright and other laws, treaties and arrangements applicable to each country around the world. Except for personal use or internal non-commercial use, you are forbidden to use (including, without limitation, any copies modifying replications in the whole or partially, forwarding, transmitting, distributing, licensing, selling and publishing)  any of those materials without previous written authorization from Komatsu.



Personal information, that is, position, company, address, phone number, e-mail address and other relevant data, is not necessary for accessing our site, with the exception of the Résumés area. All information collected by the site is used exclusively for processing requests for information or for the sale of our products and/or services. Regarding résumés, they are retained in a protected area for exclusive use by our HR Department. We do not sell, rent or transmit personal information to other organizations.
Our Web Server collects information on domain names (such as komatsu.com.br) from visitors to our site. This information is retained in order to measure the number of visits, average time of permanence in the site, visited pages and other relevant statistics. This information is necessary for measuring the use of our site.
The Komatsu site may contain links to other pages outside our servers, non-Komatsu pages. In this case, we are nor responsible for the content and privacy practices employed by them.  


Komatsu only uses cookies for managing user Userld’s and for achieving a more efficient interaction with the site. We assert that all data generated by the cookies and co-related data is only used for internal purposes. Data compiled through the cookies and co-related data are considered as confidential and on no account they will be sold to any entity outside the organization.  



You can send Komatsu comments, questions, suggestions or ideas concerning any one of the pages in this site. By doing so, you agree that such information is not confidential and Komatsu is not obliged to keep it in secrecy. Neither is Komatsu obliged to answer it. This will only be only be done in matters pertaining to our business. Komatsu is free to use such information in any way it sees fit, by replicating, publicizing or distributing the information in its communications to third parties, without any limitation. All notes, suggestions and ideas or any other information communicated to Komatsu through the site will be the sole and exclusive property of Komatsu and Komatsu will not be obliged to compensate the person who sent them in any way whatsoever.



Any link to third parties is only provided by Komatsu to favor the users of its electronic page. Komatsu does not undertake any express or implicit guarantee or representation regarding such third party sites; neither will it have any responsibility regarding the use of such sites. If you use any of the non-Komatsu links, you do so at your own risk and peril and you are responsible for taking all the appropriate safety measures for protection against viruses and other destructive elements.



Any information provided at the Komatsu site may be changed without notice, including availability of products and/or services. Notwithstanding the fact that great efforts have been made to provide the Komatsu site with useful and accurate information, on account of its open nature and the potential for error in storing and transmitting digital information, Komatsu cannot guarantee the accuracy of information obtained from any of the pages contained in the Komatsu site.
All subjects published in this site, including the software for downloads are presented “as are” and without any kind of express or implicit guarantee, including the implicit guarantees for sales, suitability to a specific end and non-violation. Komatsu does not guarantee that the functions existing in this site will be uninterrupted or devoid or error, that faults will be corrected, or that this server is free of viruses or other damaging components.
Komatsu does not guarantee or represent the use of any material contained in this site regarding its correction, accuracy, reliability, or other.
On no account will Komatsu or any of its managers, officers, employees, shareholders or agents be held liable for any damage of whatever type including, without limitation, any direct, special, incidental, indirect, exemplary, punitive, or consequential damages or the lack of warning about the possibility of such damages, neither any theory on any liability derived from, or connected to the use of its navigator or its links.     



These terms and conditions have been written down in compliance with the laws in effect in Brazil, unless express arrangements to the contrary. All controversies and disputes derived from, or related to these Terms and Conditions shall be submitted to the Court of Law of Suzano, São Paulo, as the court of first instance.


@ 2009 Komatsu do Brasil - All rights reserved
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