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The Team that Never Lets You Down...

 When you acquire Komatsu equipments, you get the support of a dedicated team of professionals working for Komatsu – professionals committed to ensuring that you obtain a long and useful life for your machine, with full reliability. The Client Service people at our Parts Distribution Centers, the technicians specializing in maintenance at Reman Komatsu, and the professionals in the field and at Komatsu Central Offices, all have one main purpose in their minds – provide full support to you and your equipment by making the highest standards of quality for parts replacement and technical services available to you.

We have developed very close work-ties with every one of the Komatsu dealers, keeping them always current on the latest information on repair options and services. We provide training given by specialists and we also provide these same dealers with new and re-manufactured parts in full conformity with the original specifications for all equipments.
We are one team with one single goal – provide all the support you and your Komatsu equipment need.



and The Secret of This Ceaseless Dynamic
Is In The New Genuine Komatsu Parts...
The latest replacement parts are nothing more and no less than genuine parts as used in your own Komatsu equipment. They are manufactured to the same standards of conformity and provide the same operational reliability that characterizes original parts. As an element of the design philosophy for our machines, genuine Komatsu parts and components also have the most modern properties known today for developing performance optimization, regarding both our latest releases and older models.
We guarantee the highest standard of quality for genuine replacement parts that fully meet the widest range of industrial use equipments, from utility and construction machines to mining machines. Whether your profile is that of a client of Komatsu utility machines and Komatsu construction or mining machines, or a user of Haulpak, Demag, or even Dressta or Galion equipment, as soon as you start looking for a certain part, be assured that we will have the part you are looking for.




components remanufactured according
to the Original standards of conformity...
When the issue is a search for replacement components that add extraordinary value when in use, be assured that Reman Komatsu components doubtlessly are your number one option. All Reman Komatsu components are remanufactured in accordance with the standards of conformity applicable to the original parts. Whether the acquired Reman component is a piston pump, a cylinder head or a complete engine, it will obtain the performance, reliability and added value that observance of the most rigorous standards of excellence demanded by Komatsu itself intends to ensure.
Every time a component is remanufactured, its key elements are remanufactured to the same specifications valid for the original similar ones, or replaced by new genuine Komatsu parts. As a next step, each component is tested for conformity with all original specifications.
The outcome of this remanufacturing process to such a high degree of accuracy is the support Reman components can offer you, a guarantee equal to what is provided for new components. And this is also your guarantee that every Reman component that reaches your hands will perfectly meet the needs of your machine and also show in use nothing less than the expected performance.



unexcelled technical knowledge...
When your Komatsu equipment needs servicing or repairing, know that you can count on professionals specializing in maintenance retained by your Komatsu dealer, always at your call.
Komatsu stands behind each one of these professionals, supporting them with a whole team of technical specialists. By joining the efforts of our Technical Team for Parts and the commitment of our Service Engineers Team, the outcome is on-the-field support performed by a task force made up of highly qualified people. Komatsu provides specialized technical support for all services needed by any equipment it produces.
Our service organization, in integrated syntonization, is always ready to ensure that you obtain the best performance level from your Komatsu machine.
What is the result of all of this? A standard of technical services never seen before in the market sectors where Komatsu operates.

distribution centers that are worldwide
examples of rationalization and agility…
Komatsu has invested in a net of Regional Parts Distribution Centers that have the full support of our Central Parts Distribution Center, with a built up area of no less than 54,200 m2 located in Ripley, Tennessee. We have in stock more than 260,000 parts (SKUs) and our Parts Distribution Centers are responsible for sending off more than 9000 lines directly to clients. We perfectly match our regional stocks to the demands for parts in each specific region. The stock at your dealer, supported by Komatsu Parts Distribution Centers from all over the world, enables it to meet each request in just one day after receiving an order, in over 99% of the cases. Our secret for achieving such an outstanding performance is to immediately set in motion fully dedicated transportation services, which guarantee that any part that can be dispatched by air reaches the involved dealer in just one day after a request is received.
In case your dealer does not have the part you specifically need in stock, we will deliver the required part to you straight from the nearest Parts Distribution Center, as a performance optimization for the delivery of that part to you.
In addition to servicing North America, our Parts Distribution Center in Ripley is also the global providing center for service parts for our Haulpak line of trucks employed in mining.
In Brazil, interconnected to our distribution network, we have a center specializing in parts in São Paulo, servicing all of Brazil.



exceptional client assistance service…
Aiming at satisfying your most urgent needs, our team connected to the Parts Distribution Centers is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the whole year. Whenever necessary, our client assistance service, with all the professionalism that sets it apart, will make use of a sum of efforts by the whole Komatsu net spread around the world to deliver the needed parts to you, thus lowering as much as possible the down time for your machine. A search will be conducted for every available source, including all our Parts Distribution Centers, factories and even suppliers.
Our dealers can make use of the experience of our Technical Teams for Parts located in Ripley and São Paulo, which will take on the task as soon as your need arises, for a careful verification of the application of service parts, accuracy/efficacy and options, everything for you to receive exactly the right part for your machine, for the specific use it is involved in.
Most of the information concerning orders and the deadlines for fulfilling them are available, nevertheless whenever a need arises you can always count on an exclusive assistance of a qualified client service representative, every time in perfect syntonization with your priorities.

technical training of our distributors…
Komatsu strives to provide maintenance technicians at our dealers with the specific technical training needed to perform reliable services and repairs in every one of your machines. Our training centers in Cartersville, Georgia and São Paulo are representative of what is most up-to-date in such matters, offering a full diversity of intensive practical training conducted by specialists of recognized capability.
Courses on the working and performance of specific machines cover such topics as maintenance, adjusting, tests, failure diagnosis and repairs.
Courses on components focus on engines, transmissions, hydraulic as well as other systems, and include disassembling/assembling procedures and tests.
Counting on such courses as part of the training they receive, maintenance technicians at your dealer have the skills and knowledge that only professionals with such high qualifications can draw on when the question is maintaining, in a way only they know how, the maximum performance your machines can yield when in operation.



and Client Support Programs…
At the rearguard of the efforts you spend in managing and supporting your machines through their useful life cycles, stands Komatsu. We make fully available to you a series of Client Support Programs, characterized by the use of the most up-to-date technology, for the purpose of monitoring the conditions and performance of your equipment.
Simply put, KOMTRAX represents the forefront of satellite-assisted monitoring systems, recording and transmitting vital information on your machines, as well as the operational data they provide, thus making the availability of information in real time for remotely managing your machine pool a concrete fact. Additionally, KOMTRAX provides accurate localization for each one of your machines, a great contribution for preventing the theft of equipment. Komatsu’s KOWA analysis (Wear Survey by Oil Sample Analysis), goes to where no one had thought of going before in analyzing oil samples from components. With oil samples collected at pre-set periodicities, Komatsu is able to detect evidence of the presence of contaminants, enabling you to efficiently program your repairs for an ideal time.



Komatsu Product Support

A Team that Never Lets You Down
·         A network of dedicated support professionals
·         Genuine replacement parts specifically designed for all Komatsu machines , with no  exceptions
·         Addition of tested value and performance, demonstrated by components remanufactured to the original conformity standards established by Komatsu
·         A network of regional Parts Distribution Centers, supported by our Central Parts Distribution Center , with a built up area of 54,200 m2
·         Client Service and Technical Support unparalleled in our business sector
Komatsu Client Service
The materials and specifications contained in this Products Bulletin may be changed without prior notice.
KOMAT’SU is the trademark of Komatsu Ltd. Japan 

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